Mansion is the Mist by Midnight Syndicate from The 13th Hour © 2005. Used with permission.

“It was an evil house from the beginning - a house that was born bad.”
– Dr. John Markway, The Haunting

You have entered the House of BTS...
the house that exists
“Beyond the Supernatural”

blinking BTS coverWelcome to my house, I'm delighted that you could come. I am certain you will find your stay most illuminating. It is regrettable that I cannot be with you, but I had to leave before your arrival. Do not let my physical absence disturb you, however. Think of me as your unseen host and believe that, during your stay here, I shall be with you in spirit. May you find the answer that you seek. It is here, I promise you.
 -Emeric Belasco, Hell House

Welcome to my House, enter freely and of your own will!
My home's dedicated to the Beyond the Supernatural™ (BTS) Role Playing Game from Palladium Books™.
All of the content within this house is a collection of thoughts, ideas and suggestions to help you improve your BTS gaming experience. This house also serves as practice for my continuing education as a web designer, so stop by regularly for updates to both the site and content.

Beyond the News

  • October 2024
  • January 2023
  • Archives

October 2024

HR line designed by Je Shields

Alexander Michaud Updated

Greetings and salutations to all my wonderful House Guests!

Illustration of AlexIt’s been a long time; I've missed you all.

While I've stayed as active as I could over on the House of BTS Discord page, I've not been updating or really keeping in touch on the site itself. The short answer is that life's gotten in the way and took precedence.

Sadly, I missed the Psychic Serial Killers during the Halloween season last year, and I will again this year as well due to situations beyond my control. I might do something for the Fall or thanksgiving season, but no promises.

What I WILL do however is post a long overdue updated version of my pregenerated player character Alexander Michaud, also known as
“The Parkour Psychic”. I added and updated a lot of content, fixed some errors, tightened up the character sheet design, and added a new illustration of Alex.

Note: A new pregen named “Lenny Kenny” is noted in Alex’s contacts; he will be a new pregen/npc to keep an eye out for in the near future.

Anyway, head on over to the Pregenerated character page to download Alex’s updated character sheet.

Random GM encounter/event starter: “Candles”

All the lit candles in the room suddenly go out, as if blown out by a puff of wind or a draft. Thats' strange... there are no open windows to account for any wind, nor we're any drafts felt by anyone present when the candles blew out. What could've caused them to go out like that?

Note:If the only light source(s) in the room is electrical, the lights could go on the fritz, or start blinking on and off, or start dimming out, or simply goes out in a similar fashion. If investigated, the light switch(es) is in the “on” position. What would make this scene even more strange is if the lights were the only electrical item(s) to go out; the TV, radio, stereo, computers and other electronics still function as normal.

January 2023

HR line designed by Je Shields

Player Tips Page Updated

The Host of the House of BTS, have been going through and cleaning up this beautiful and deadly old House.

In some cases Ive been adding links and information about the Creature Feature Sourcebook. In other cases Ive been removing information and answers to questions that have been covered in said sourcebook. However, while I was going through the Player Tips page, I spotted some grammatical errors, a few broken links and several bits and sections of information and detail that were in need of some updating and/or refining.

So, for all you players that are new to the genre (or BTS in general) and those who would like to read my thoughts on being a good contemporary horror RPG player, come on in and read all about it!

HR line designed by Je Shields

Creature Feature Sourcebook now available!

Cover of Creature FeatureGreetings and Salutations!
Like me, I'm sure that you're here for the creatures.
I love creatures. From the classics like werewolves and vampires to the more modern monsters that reflect the worst in us or what we fear, I love them all. That's why I've
written and created so many creatures for my own Beyond the Supernatural (BTS) games over the years.

As a Game Master (G.M.), I just love using creatures in my BTS adventures. They're so much fun! I enjoy letting them lurk in the dark corners of the urban jungle. I love sending them after the intrepid characters of my players and to see how they deal with such unexpected foes almost as much as I love watching my players hunt and fight them. Creatures are just fun. One of my goals for Creature Feature is to help you find the fun of using supernatural creatures in your own games.

Are things a little too quiet in your game? Add a random creature or three!

Need a quick villain or antagonist for the player characters to deal with? Send in a creature or put the players on edge by letting them find the half eaten or mangled remains of the creature's victim(s). The actual monster responsible? A frightening
mystery to be uncovered before one of them or some innocent person becomes its next victim.

Does your dark overlord need minions in a hurry? Give him one or more monsters!

Need something to scare the socks off some poor human to get the player character's attention? Let that poor soul scream when a “horrible thing” shows itself outside the window or comes slithering out from under the stairs!

In case you didn't already know, Creature Feature, my biggest writing project to date, is now available for purchase! You can order it at your local hobby store, or from Palladium Books directly.

Beyond the Supernatural is set in our modern world but seen through the lens of mystery and the supernatural. A lens that lets us see clearly the “things” – the creatures and powers – that science and our rational minds tell us are not real. It is a world of shadows and the uncanny where a monster may really be hiding under your bed or stalking the alley. Creatures that lurk in dark corners and prey upon the unsuspecting, the innocent, and the wicked.

Creature Feature is a journey into just a few of those dark corners. Places where strange and terrible creatures wait, and bold heroes and psychic investigators face their fears and fight against the gathering darkness.

  • 15 supernatural creatures described in depth. Some are new. Some were pulled from the pages of The Rifter® but updated and expanded (many completely rewritten). All of them are dynamic, scary, and offer different horror adventure experiences.
  • Each creature offers adventure hooks and ideas for more.
  • The art of making and running monsters.
  • Creature encounter table and tips on making unique creatures.
  • Player paranormal investigator background table.
  • Game Master source material and tips for running modern horror.
  • More world setting and monster hunting lore.
  • Rules clarifications and errata.
  • A full adventure and numerous adventure suggestions.
  • Paranormal encounter ideas, tips, advice, NPCs, and more.
  • Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
  • Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw, and others.
  • 192 pages - $26.99 retail  Cat. No. 704

HR line designed by Je Shields

The Archives

Welcome to the Archives! This file cabinet is where I place all past news and information concerning the house that's more than six months old, but is still worth having on hand. Enjoy!

The Dead Reign Ranch is now open!

Sunset at the DR Ranch

Howdy y'all! While the Host doesn't have the time to start another fan site dedicated to the Dead Reign RPG, he still enjoys hosting it on occasion and has written materials for it, including pregenerated characters, NPC's and adventures. So, the Host decided to construct a ranch right here on the property, where those BTS House guests who also enjoy playing DR can go visit for a spell.

So head on down to the Dead Reign Ranch and sit a spell. But when you've had enough zombie fun, y'all come on back to the House now, ya hear?

An Announcement and a New Room!

Hello again to all my wonderfully wicked House Guests! Your Host has been holding his tongue about some news that I've been dying to tell you all. A few months back I asked for help in covering some of the hosting costs of the House of the BTS for another year as the pandemic affected even the livelihood of one who's shed his mortal coil but still wishes to be the Host of this magnificent and haunted House.

Well, I'm honored and proud to say that many of you responded and helped chip in.
A few of you went above and beyond with a very generous donation. I don't want to reveal any names to respect your privacy, but you all know who you are, and know that as your Host, I am grateful to everyone of you. Together, not only were we able to cover the costs for the next year, but for the next 3 years! The House of BTS still stands; meaning it, and everything within it, will continue to haunt you all for years to come!

So as a way of saying thank you, I've finished one the house building projects I've been yearning to do for awhile. This room in particular has been near the top of my list as I've gotten a lot of requests over the years for a dedicated help area with creating character for Beyond the Supernatural. Well, this was the time to do it!

This house building project turned out to be no small project either. In the process of building this new room I had to check all the resources mentioned in it, which in many cases meant updating (if not nearly rewriting) the many bits of information and references throughout the House. In some case it meant fixing several of the rooms they're found within. It was all a much bigger undertaking than I had anticipated, and therefore it took more time than expected. The fact that my Hell Hound pup, Mycroft kept escaping during construction and/or eating many of the construction workers didn't help either. But in the end, I found shackles that are strong enough to hold Mycroft back (for now) and construction resumed until it was completed.

And now, the dust has settled, all the bodies have been removed, the blood is all mopped up, the walls are painted, and the furniture is in...

Welcome to the Creation Room!

Welcome to the Grand Opening of
The Character Creation Room!

In this room you will find all the information needed to make a character for the Beyond the Supernatural RPG, and you'll be making it the Host's way. This includes providing you with the various house rules that I use, printable PDFs of useful information, the locations of other P.C.C. types, and more! If you happen to see something missing in this room you think should be added, let me know.
Now, come on in and get creative!

Thank you again everyone for helping the Host keep the House alive with horror, and enjoy the new room!

The question has been answered!

Its come to the Host's attention that BTS fans have often asked each other if the creature on the front cover of the 1st edition of Beyond the Supernatural is based on a monster from the book. Its a shame that no one ever asked me this question as I know the answer.
In fact, I've known the answer since the 1993.

You see, back in 1993, when the Host was a much younger being, I came across a collectable card series based on the artwork of Richard Corben, the artist of the front cover. I've kept this collector card close in my BTS related materials all these years and recently stumbled across it while looking for something else. For the fun of it I posted both sides of the card on the Facebook site.

Surprisingly, I began getting responses about it, with House guests excitedly replying that this was a question they've been asking each other for years. Well wonder no more, for the Host has your answer: Corben made it up himself. You're welcome!

12/16/2019 - The latest copy of the Rifter has been added to the Library, and its a good one as it has two BTS related articles, as well as a few articles that would convert easily to BTS rules and usage.

Cover of the Rifter 84The Rifter™ #84

This issue focuses on dark places, monsters, magic, and the supernatural, just in time for the Halloween season. So its no surprise that it contains not one, but two Beyond the Supernatural related articles! But first, an article that converts well to BTS...

Spellbound by Ian Herbert
While this one was designed for Nightbane™ (which I'm a fan of),
it would work well with other modern based RPG's; BTS in particular.

The Spellbound is in essence an O.C.C. of ordinary people who work with the Seekers and have been infused with magic spells to help them in their various jobs / tasks / teams / missions / etc. I enjoyed this one a lot and found it inspiring enough to consider running a “Seeker” specific adventure one day (something I've not done before).

HR line designed by Je Shields

All Quiet on the Western... What? by Kyle Osterberg

  Two thousand, two hundred fifty men died every day on the western front in World War One. That is only the average. The British alone lost 19,249 men on the first day of the Somme offensive. This was a war that lasted over four years. All of that fighting creates a great mass of dead people.

  Unlike most other wars, most of the battles on the western front were mostly fought in the same place. There was very little ground gained by either side for the majority of the war. So much death in such a small space means a vast quantity of P.P.E. was being released. So much P.P.E., that it almost became solid and pool into holes like water before dissipating.

  At the moment of death the amount of P.P.E. being released is doubled. With so many people dying everyday, there would be an almost inexhaustible amount of P.P.E. to feed on for supernatural creatures. They would be attracted to it like a moth to a flame! True, it is risky. The creatures stood a good chance of getting killed themselves, but surely some would be willing to take the risk.

Playing soldiers in mission-based adventures during WWI, Kyle's adventure takes the players through the horrors of war... and the horrors of the supernatural!
Includes several confrontations with supernatural creatures and new creatures like the Trench Rats and the Life Force Drinkers. The article even goes so far as to add notes on WWI era weapons and The Citizen/Soldier occupational subclass.

Extra Bonus: Kyle O. has graciously sent the House all ten of the excel character sheets designed and used for this adventure! Click the links below to download them:
Eric Lufften/Charles LeJade/Richard Alto/John Pierce/Pierre Chouteau/Jasper Crowell/
Kevin Barbee
/Elias Krendall/Giovanni Ravitonilus/William Darkhorse

HR line designed by Je Shields

Illustration of the Dimma by Grae SteeleThe Dimma by Steve Dawes

  Movement at the corner of the outside passageway. A billowy cloud of mist rolled into view. It silently moved through and enveloped the books and shelving, but something about it was wrong.
It moved too fast, too direct€¦ seemingly with purpose. It was coming right at him. The air was getting cold and clammy as the mist approached.

  Somehow Allan had the courage to stand his ground as the mist reached him. It was unnervingly chilly and that rotting, decomposing smell saturated it. Breathing heavy with fear, Allan fought back the urge to cough and wretch at the stench, putting his hand to his mouth to provide some defense against the offensive fog that now enveloped him.

  Putrid, hot air brushed against Allan’s face and the hand covering his nose and mouth like someone with foul breath had breathed on him. Within the fog, Allan could just make out something taking the slightest resemblance of shape. Something that was grinning at him. A sharp, toothy, malicious grin. It stood just above his height, its sickly yellow eyes leering back at his. Its nose was missing like it had fallen off, or was never there to begin with. Its skin grey and wet looking, covered in boils, warts, sores and other malformations. The last sane thought Allan had before panic set in was that this thing reminded him of some kind of ghoulish creature or goblin from one of the many monster movies he’s watched.

A short story and new monster for Beyond the Supernatural„¢, the Dimma came from the Host's imaginarium as a response to the world needing a good fog/mist monster.
Its one of my better articles in my opinion, and includes two illustrations from from first time Palladium contributor Grae Steele; a friend and co-worker of mine.

Illustration of Windigo 12/11/2019 -
Seasons Greetings and Salutations!

I'm excited to share some news!
The Host has been hired/summoned to host a one-shot, Christmas themed adventure next weekend!

The adventure is shaping up quickly as I've always wanted to host a Christmas themed BTS adventure.
In fact, I've had several ideas that I've been sitting on for ages and the dam has burst!

I'll even be checking off a few monsters and dangers from my GM bucket list in the process!

I cant give away the details of the adventure in case any of the players are reading this, but I'll drop one hint... in the form of the illustration above.

My lunch break show for the last few days has been "Marianne" on Netflix.12/4/2019- My lunch break show for the last few days has been "Marianne" on Netflix.

It has its shortcomings: the English dubbing (its a French series) is so horrible that I recommend listening to the original french with subtitles, there seems to be some cultural aspects I don't get, and I'm certain that the creators/writers were heavily influenced by one of my personal favorite video games "Alan Wake" (not a bad source to be inspired be, but it feels blatant in places).

Still, its got A LOT going for it. The gore is laid on pretty thick, the creep factor goes to 11, the heavily flawed characters in such a dreary coastal town setting works well, there are some truly disturbing scenes and images, and the actress portraying Marianne is absolutely horrifying!

For those looking for wicked witch-themed inspiration for their BTS games,
give Marianne a look-see!

Image of something spooky11/2/2019 - Palladium fan Branden L. has been a busy bee, and recently posted about a side-project of his on the Palladium Books Role Players Guild on Facebook:

I wrote a small App that contains a searchable index of all issues of The Rifter to date. Feel free to check it out!
A few disclaimers:

1. This is a personal side-project; a labor of love.
I'm not making any money off of this.

2. Suggestions/feedback is welcome! But please be gentle. If you can't be gentle, refer to disclaimer #1.

3. This is a work-in-progress. I still need to add more tags and fix various typos. Please point them out if you stumble over any.

Thanks, and enjoy!

Making use of it myself, I came across an BTS article or two I wasn't aware of and will update the library page accordingly. I suspect you will find use for this App as well.

Click here to check out the App!

HR line designed by Je Shields

autopsy imageDeductive thinking time!

I don't recall where I came across this, but as you all know I love a good mystery, even quick brain teaser types.

So I've got a quick mystery for you to deduce! See if you can solve this case:

A man was found dead in his study. He lay on his desk, holding a gun in his hand. When you entered the scene, you noticed a tape recorder. You pressed play and heard the following message: "I can’t continue to live, life has no meaning", followed by a gunshot. The recording stopped.

Was this suicide, or was there foul play involved?

HR line designed by Je Shields

Picture of Gifts from Kevin12/29/2019 - I got a surprise Christmas gift package from Kevin!

I hadn't ordered anything from Palladium Books recently, so I was surprised to see a box in the mail. Upon opening it, I spotted a pen with the Rifts logo and three separate wrapped gifts with my name on them!

With child-like joy and excitement I opened all three of them with glee and was delighted to find what was in essence a supernatural themed set of books to read and enjoy!

This bundle of gift wrapped packages included two fact and information books (Haunted America and Bizarre Truths), a limited reprint of Boxed Nightmares (which means I can now put my original copy from 1990 away for retirement, posterity, and safekeeping), and four different Rifter sourcebooks; none of which I'd picked up yet. To me, this means either Kevin got lucky in his selection of Rifter's, he's having me watched, or he's psychic. Perhaps all three.

Thank you so much Kevin! I love all of these thoughtful gifts and and have already been reading them! In fact, see the next section...

HR line designed by Je Shields

-Reading through my Christmas gifted Rifters, there are several articles that offers plenty of BTS worthy ideas, information and consideration, including:

Rifter # 79Rifter #79: I've already mentioned Hendrik's wonderful
Gaming Through History
article (which includes the
Flashing Blades of Horror adventure for BTS) over in the Library,
but there's more...

The Stage Magician, Expanded: Seriously, I'd love to see a stage magician type confronting the paranormal. I can see actions like these happening:
-A monster rushes at the magician, only to witness him dropping a few smoke bombs, sending up a cloud to hide in, or cover his escape, or relocate to a more advantageous position.
-Whipping out handcuffs to deftly cuff a zombie who was reaching out for him with both hands, making it far less effective in combat and grabbing him.
-The Magician juggling vials of Holy Water to taunt a Vampire and keep it at bay, throwing one at the vamp when needed.
-The screeching strobe lights, glue bombs, snares, a talent for debunking and other tricks of the trade offers lots of creative and fun ideas!

Rifter #81: The Super Sleuth, Expanded: Another article that provides a lot of ideas and abilities for players who desire brainy investigating PC's. Most of the materials in the article easily converts to BTS.

Cover of Rifter #82Rifter #82: Hitting the Gym (Physical Training, Expanded): This article offers some alternative options and ideas for the Natural Athlete or Physical Psychic P.C.C. with little change.

The Devil Serpent Tongue: Inspired by the Nick Bradshaw illustrated cover (and I can see why as I dig the hell out of it), this new monster is located in the Rifts Bestiary sneak preview on page 105. The D.S.T. is written very much like a BTS monster and should be considered for your BTS world.

Its a nocturnal hunter, it enjoys hunting in the big cities and does so successfully despite its size, and it excels at hiding from the public. Even those who know of it try to cover it up to avoid panic (cover up and deny is something any first responder worth his salt in BTS will do).

Also, some new skills from the Nightbane article “The Impact of Age” (page 55), including Social Etiquette, Con-Artistry, Civil Engineer and Demolition: Civilian. These were some some long overdue skills and I'm glad to see them.

HR line designed by Je Shields

I added a few House Rules, including my ruling on reloading handguns without the weapon proficiency, using Physical Prowess percentage bonus for Physical Skills and a ruling on the Telekinetic Punch ability (page 115 of BTS-2).

Jeshilds banner illustrations 10/28/19 - Greeting and salutations to all my House Guests.

First off, I hope this post finds your Halloween Season to be providing you with lots of tricks and treats.

And speaking of tricks, I've recently lured a new artist and have trapped him within the tangled trap that is the Cavern of Webs (links page). Allow me to introduce him to you all...

Jeshields Patreon Page:
Creating RPG Stock Illustrations

“My name is James Shields, but most people online know me as Jeshields.
I create illustrations for the RPG industry. I have always wanted to give to the community in a meaningful and mutually beneficial way. This project allows me to create illustrations inspired by your ideas”.

I came across Jeshields illustrations and was immediately attracted to them.
In particular, I thought his eldritch themed banner based illustrations would look nice hung up around the House in various places. He was kind enough to oblige, and now you'll spot his illustrations peppered throughout the House of BTS.
But be careful... for they will be looking back!

HR line designed by Je Shields
“Here's looking at you, kid!”

“I want to give to the RPG community, so each week, one image will be released to the public for FREE. I may choose which illustration or I may allow patrons to choose.”

His Patreon page offers access to his stock art before anyone else, a voice to inspire the illustrations he creates, a discount when you buy art directly from him, commission work and opportunities for members to receive free commissions of their characters.

As for the future, we've chatted about the possibility of a collaboration project or two of his illustrating stirred into a bubbling cauldron full of my scribes, and mixed well.
This recipe sounds simply delicious to me, so here's hoping!

Demon Monkey Fish Illustration by Je Shields

Halloween Update: Mr. Shield's stay as a house guest during this Halloween Season has been an eventful one. He's even released an illustration of a wicked looking... well, I'm not sure entirely what to call it. Perhaps "Demon Monkey Fish" works best. Claim your image... if you dare!

The Host would enjoy seeing any and all of your written stats and interpretations of this fiend. I may even design my own version of it to display in the house, perhaps even catch a trophy version of it to hang on a plaque over the fireplace.

Je Shields wishes you all a Happy Halloween and a free illustration!

10/10/2019 - Have you experienced Operation Minotaur yet?

Image from Rifter #83

“Think Indiana Jones meets The Dirty Dozen on a horror trip and you are in the right frame of mind to GM this adventure. Follow me back to the war-torn 1940s with an evil greater than many supernatural enemies, dark secrets and a mystery worthy of a tall tale”.

Operation Minotaur was conceived as a 4-6 hour gaming one-shot for the Palladium Open House 2012 and designed to showcase one of the many options of how to play Beyond the Supernatural (BTS). Contrary to the far more frequent mystery or detective type BTS game, this adventure offers an action packed and epic fight of good versus evil against the historical backdrop of World War II.

And now, its available for everyone to enjoy via The Rifter™ #83!

That being said, Hendrik -the writer of Operation Minotaur, an honored house guest, and a dear friend of the Host- took the time to design some very nice looking handouts to give to the players during the adventure.

Handout imageDue to space constraints the handouts were printed only in a small version. However,
by the good graces of the people of Palladium Books, all the handouts are now available for download in the House of BTS, in their “full version”!

Hendrik and the staff of Palladium Books are getting into the Halloween spirit by giving you all such delicious looking treats! To make the handouts easy to find, I've given Hendrik's
“full version” the “full page treatment”, so click here or on the image to right to head over and download the PDF's!

HR line designed by Je Shields

Shadows Symphony album cover

The Shadow's Symphony can now be heard on the podcast!

For years you've been hearing the horror, the Gothic and the haunting sounds of the symphony coming from the shadows, echoing throughout the halls of the House of BTS with pride.

And now, you'll hear the Symphony's haunting tunes on the House Beyond the Supernatural Podcast as well!

At present there are six albums available from the Shadow's Symphony, and all are available on iTunes, Amazon, and eBay. You can also listen to them via their Youtube Channel.

I've been a fan of the Symphony's work for years now, and I expect to remain one for many years to come!

HR line designed by Je Shields

While I'm still more of a dead tree format kind of a game master and player, for those of you who prefer digital books, the 2nd edition Beyond the Supernatural is now available on!

Click here to head over and get your own digital copy! Get it, before it gets you!

HR line designed by Je Shields

Rifter #135/10/2018 - I got an e-mail yesterday, asking about using
The Cursed P.C.C. from the Rifter #13. Specifically if it was an acceptable psychic class to add to BTS.

Well, I'd not looked at this particular P.C.C. in awhile and so I had to go dig it up, remove it from the cold, dead hands of the guy I'd buried it alive with, and I re-read it. After reading and thinking it over, I would say that you could absolutely include The Cursed to the list of P.C.C.'s for your BTS games. That said, there's a note or two worth mentioning...

-You would need to change the skills information to an occupation as you would per the BTS Character creation section; easily done.

-The player will need to understand that this P.C.C. is on par with a Latent Psychic (low on the totem pole power scale). The player also needs to understand that this P.C.C. was made for Nightbane and probably wont get as much milage out the sight ability as a BTS character would. There are monsters hiding in plain sight of course, but not to the extent of Nightbane. To make the P.C.C. a little more dynamic and interesting, I'd say that you could tweak the Sight ability to be able to also see ghosts, entities, astral travelers and other invisible beings.

I leave the GM to decide if they can see things like the Dybbuk inhabiting a body, a Syphon inhabiting an object, or a Tectonic Entity hiding or being obscured within a mass of objects and materials. For some GM's that may give away too many surprises too soon.

Note: You may already have this issue as its got several BTS P.C.C. types in it already like the Living Numbers & Curses, Arcane Archaeologist, Occultists, and Cryptozoologists, a BTS adventure and an article about Lucky Charms and Superstitions. If not, I highly recommend it offer you a link to the issue on RPGdrivethru here.

HR line designed by Je Shields

Witch Beaters comic5/3/2018 - With the change in hosting service and dealing with all those damn Gremlins last month, I've had to clean up some things in the House. Most of it is stuff you probably wont notice, but I noticed it and so I fixed it.

That being said, this has given me an opportunity to add a few things I've been meaning to add, such as the new Reloading Rules on the House Rules page. Head on over the Guest Services desk to check those out.

Also, I wanted to point out that the demented people over at Stinky Bucket are working on a BTS friendly Patron project called Jack Wiz and Torple: Witch Beaters. You may recall that they are the minds that delivered the Stikini to the House a few months back, so you know just how horrific their work is. This means were all in for a treat!

I will add more soon, but I've got a commission to make a character for one of my favorite house guests to take care of first. If you're ever interested in supporting the House and getting a character crafted with love by the Host, head on down to the Basement Laboratory and find my work bench for details.

HR line designed by Je Shields

Dark Chamber Comix Logo

Brandon C. Clark, a cherished friend of the Host, a beloved House Guest, one of the lead architects of the House of BTS and the Man behind “Dark Chamber Comix“ wants to offer all the House Guests, which includes you, a free illustration of your favorite player character!

You see, Brandon is looking for subscribers on his Dark Chamber Comix You Tube Channel, and he’s willing to illustrate your PC’s to get them!

How to get your free illustration:
#1. Subscribe to the Dark Chamber You Tube Channel.
#2. Leave a comment that you were directed here by the Host of the House of BTS and include your e-mail or the best way to reach you. You can also contact him via e-mail at “” to let him know you subscribed (include your You Tube username).
#3. Brandon will then illustrate one character in black and white digital; it doesn't matter if it’s a head shot or full body. I strongly advise that you add lots of details about your PC as he’s really good at adding those details into his illustration.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go check out his You Tube Channel already!

HR line designed by Je Shields

6/1/14 - In general I don't like to brag or pat myself on the back, but sometimes it's nice to get a compliment, if only to be reminded that I'm doing it right. Well, I must be doing something right; I've gotten plenty of compliments on the House (which is fantastic as I'm pretty proud of it), but there are a few compliments both directly & indirectly that I wanted to share.

-From a review by the Semi-Retired Gamer who had this to say about the house: “Even though I do not own or play BTS yet, I found the fan site to be extremely well done and should be of use to others. This site is basically what every gaming fan site should strive to be”.

-I spotted these in a BTS related post on the Palladium Forums:

ffranceschi wrote:“BTS has MrLoucifer and the best Palladium related website ever”...

Hendrik replied with: “House of BTS is awesome beyond the pale and getting better. Steven is an excellent writer chock full of excellent ideas and loves BTS”

-And while not House related per se, Stephanie, one of my players, had this to say about my home BTS game/materials:

“Another great GM is Steven Dawes... He's honestly the best GM I've ever played with. His Beyond the Supernatural games are brilliant."

I'm flattered to death by words like these; they help keep me and the House going.

HR line designed by Je Shields

Illustration fo the Bogey Man by Brandon C. Clark

3/16/14 - May I have everyone's attention please?

Brandon C. Clark is the interior decorator of the House of BTS, and in many ways I consider him my right hand concerning matters in the House.

Well, Brandon has run into a stitch that you can help unravel. In short, he needs character commissions, and the speedier your commission come the better.

I can tell you from personal experience, Brandon understands and knows the BTS vibe (or other RPG settings if desired), his character commissions are always top shelf quality, and he's expedient. I have a photo album dedicated to his work on The Facebook page (as well as spattered around the walls of the House) if you want examples of his fine work.

His standard rate is $25 for a character portrait (unless you want something intricate). Honestly, for the quality of his work, that's an outright steal!

Brandon has a Facebook page where you can befriend and reach him at, or you can contact him via his e-mail address at (which coincidentally is the Pay Pal address you can send him funds through).

HR line designed by Je Shields

1/26/14 - The "Semi-Retired Gamer" is a blog featuring the game related ramblings and ideas of a role-player of over 30 years. I'm proud to announce that he reviewed the House of BTS on his blog! And what did he have to say? Heres a few excerpts:

"Even thought I do not own or play BTS yet, I found the fan site to be extremely well done and should be of use to others."

"This site is basically what every gaming fan site should strive to be."

Click here to read his full review; tell him the Host sent you while you're there.