“I met him, fifteen years ago; I was told there was nothing left; no reason, no conscience,
no understanding; and even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face,
and the blackest eyes... the devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized that what was living
behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil. ”

– Dr. Sam Loomis, Halloween (1978)

Psychic Slashers & Serial Killers

Well, all good things must come to an end and all of Kent's Slashers and Psychic Serial Killer's have left for the year.

But if you missed them, you'll get an opportunity to meet them all again during next year's Halloween season. See ya then!